Saturday, April 3, 2010


What are the advantages of storing, sharing, and tagging web content this way? What are the disadvantages?

  • because users are given control over content the tool reflects users and their interestes
  • it is free
  • taging provides an excellent reflection of popular culture
  • users have access to a personal infomation organizer


  • because it is so large, it can become ungainly & difficult to manage (much like anything else on the web)
  • public content is emphasized individuals may have privacy concerns
  • tagging is driven by popularity and as a result, less popular information sources may be overlooked

Web 2.0...

What I am intrigued by:

  • how social media changes the way people interact
  • social media and advertising
  • how friendship is re-defined by social media
  • how web 2.0 changes methods information gathering, sharing, and our perception of authority, information access, etc.
  • the amount of time people spend using web 2.0 applications
  • how quickly web 2.0 technology changes and what influences these changes

What I am intimidated by:

  • how this technology is reshaping information services and the need for libraries to stay current and remain relevant